Pear-Apple Ice Wine

Crafted in Latvia from organically grown pears and apples, our Pear-Apple Ice Wine offers a refined aroma of baked apples and apricots, complemented by a harmonious sweet and sour balance.

This exquisite ice wine is made during the first winter frosts (-15°C). As the fruits freeze, they are carefully pressed using specialized techniques to extract a rich, honey-thick nectar, which is then slowly fermented and aged at low temperatures.

In the production of authentic ice wine, processes like artificial freezing, and the addition of sugar, alcohol, or flavorings are strictly prohibited.

Serve chilled at 8–10°C for the best experience. This wine pairs beautifully with goose liver dishes, soft cheeses like Brie and Camembert, and moderately sweet desserts.

  • Alcohol: 11 %
  • Volume:  0,375 l

Price: 30 EUR

No Latvijas ogām gatavots kvalitatīvs karstvīns, papildināts ar kardamonu, kanēli, krustnagliņām, apelsīnu, vaniļu u.c. ziemas vīna garšvielām. Baudāms viegli uzkarsēts, nepieļaujot vārīšanos.

Black Currant – Gingerbread Winter Wine

Black Currant – Gingerbread Winter Wine is a festive mulled wine crafted from Latvian berries and enriched with a blend of warming spices, including cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, orange, vanilla, and other traditional winter flavors. Best enjoyed gently heated, taking care to avoid boiling, for a cozy and aromatic experience.

  • Alcohol: 11 %
  • Volume: 0,75 l

Price: 12 EUR

No Latvijas ogām gatavots kvalitatīvs karstvīns, papildināts ar kardamonu, kanēli, krustnagliņām, apelsīnu, vaniļu u.c. ziemas vīna garšvielām. Baudāms viegli uzkarsēts, nepieļaujot vārīšanos.

Cherry – Gingerbread Winter Wine

A premium mulled wine made from Latvian berries, infused with cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, orange, vanilla, and other classic winter spices. Best enjoyed gently heated, ensuring it doesn't reach a boil.

  • Alcohol: 11 %
  • Volume: 0,75 l

Price: 12 EUR

No Latvijas mellenēm un sausseržiem darināts ziemas dzēriens, bez alkohola.

Honeyberry-Blueberry Winter Drink

Honeyberry-Blueberry Winter Drink is a non-alcoholic hot beverage made from Latvian berries and enhanced with exotic Ceylon spices, including Alba cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg flower, and real vanilla pods. To prepare, heat gently without boiling for a comforting, aromatic experience.

  • Alcohol: 0 %
  • Volume: 0,75 l

Price: 12 EUR

No pašu audzētām plūmēm gatavots īpaši aromātisks un garšām bagāts dzirkstošais vīns. Raudzēts zemā temperatūrā, ievērojot pēc iespējas ilgāku sulas un ogu mizu kontaktu. Vīnam kļūstot zeltaini dzidram un sasniedzot pilnīgas garšas un smaržas īpašības, tas tiek pildīts pudelēs un glabāts vēsā un tumšā pagrabā.

Plum Sparkling Wine

This exceptionally aromatic and flavorful sparkling wine is crafted from plums grown on our own farm. The wine is fermented at a low temperature, with extended contact between the juice and plum skins. Once the wine achieves a golden clarity and its full flavor and aroma profile, it is bottled and aged in a cool, dark cellar. The sparkling wine features a distinctive plum aroma and a well-balanced sweet and sour taste, with delightful almond notes in the finish. Perfect as an aperitif or paired with light fruit and cheese dishes.

  • Alcohol: 8 %
  • Volume: 0,75 l

Price: 14 EUR

No cidonijām darināts izteikti aromātisks vīns. Dabīgi kļūstot dzidram, sasniedzot pilnīgas garšas un smaržas īpašības. Izceļas ar zeltainu krāsu, ogu aromātu un īpaši piesātinātu garšu. Pasniegt ar nogatavinātiem sieriem un viegli saldām uzkodām.

Quince Sparkling Wine

A fragrant and flavorful wine crafted from quinces, naturally clarifying as it matures to reveal its full aroma and taste. Distinguished by its golden hue, berry-like fragrance, and exceptionally rich flavor. Perfectly paired with aged cheeses and subtly sweet treats.

  • Alcohol: 5,5 %
  • Volume: 0,75 l

Price: 12 EUR

Pirms Jāņiem novākti rabarberi, kas īpašā veidā apstrādāti, iegūstot sulu, kas vēsumā un tumsā raudzēta vairāk kā 8 mēnešus. Pēc tam vīns tiek noturēts, ilgajā gatavināšanas procesā iegūstot visaugstāko kvalitāti.

Rhubarb Sparkling Wine, Brut

Rhubarb harvested before St. John's Day is carefully processed and its juice fermented slowly in cool, dark conditions for over 8 months. The wine is then aged further, achieving exceptional quality through a meticulous crafting process. This sparkling wine features rhubarb’s signature crisp acidity, perfectly balanced by a touch of sweetness. It boasts remarkable clarity, a fresh rhubarb aroma, and a lingering aftertaste. Best enjoyed alongside fruit and cheese platters.

  • Alcohol 6 %
  • Volume: 0.75 l

Price: 13 EUR

No cidonijām darināts izteikti aromātisks vīns. Dabīgi kļūstot dzidram, sasniedzot pilnīgas garšas un smaržas īpašības. Izceļas ar zeltainu krāsu, ogu aromātu un īpaši piesātinātu garšu. Pasniegt ar nogatavinātiem sieriem un viegli saldām uzkodām.

Quince Semi-sweet Wine

An intensely aromatic wine crafted from quinces, naturally achieving clarity as it develops its full flavor and aroma. Notable for its golden hue, berry-like fragrance, and exceptionally rich taste. Ideal when paired with aged cheeses and mildly sweet snacks.

  • Alcohol: 12 %
  • Volume: 0,5 l

Price: 12 EUR

Spēcīga saldskāba ceriņu ziedu smarža un garša. Ceriņu ziedēšanas laiks šogad bija īsu laiku un to esam notvēruši šajā pudelē.

Lilac Flower Wine

A bold blend of sweet and tangy lilac flower aroma and flavor. This year's fleeting lilac bloom has been perfectly preserved in this bottle.

  • Alcohol: 12 %
  • Volume: 0,5 l

Price: 18 EUR

No Latvijas avenēm un pīlādžiem gatavots īpaši aromātisks un garšām bagāts vīns. Raudzēts zemā temperatūrā, ievērojot pēc iespējas ilgāku sulas un ogu mizu kontaktu. Vīns izceļas ar izteiktu aveņu un pīlādžu aromātu, un teicamu saldskābu noskaņu, pēcgaršā izpaužoties patīkamām grauzdētām magoņu sēklu notīm.

Raspberry - Rowanberry Wine

This highly aromatic and flavorful wine is crafted from Latvian raspberries and rowanberries. Fermented at a low temperature, the juice remains in contact with the berry skins for as long as possible. The wine boasts a distinct aroma of raspberry and rowanberry, offering a perfect balance of sweet and sour flavors, with subtle notes of roasted poppy seeds in the aftertaste.

  • Alcohol: 12 %
  • Volume: 0,5 l

Price: 16 EUR

No Latvijas sausseržu ogām un vīgriežu ziediem gatavots īpaši aromātisks un garšām bagāts vīns. Raudzēts zemā temperatūrā, ievērojot pēc iespējas ilgāku sulas un ogu mizu kontaktu. Vīgriežu ziedu saldā smarža vīna paletē nodrošina pilnīgu buķeti – īsta vasaras garša!

Honeyberry - Meadowsweet Wine

This exceptionally aromatic and full-flavored wine is crafted from Latvian honeyberries and wild meadowsweet flowers. Fermented at a low temperature with prolonged contact between the juice and berry skins, it captures the essence of summer. The sweet fragrance of meadowsweet flowers enriches the wine’s profile, creating a well-rounded bouquet that delivers a true taste of summer.

  • Alcohol: 12 %
  • Volume: 0,5 l

Price: 17 EUR

Pirms Jāņiem novākti rabarberi, kas īpašā veidā apstrādāti, iegūstot sulu, kas vēsumā un tumsā raudzēta vairāk kā 8 mēnešus. Pēc tam vīns tiek noturēts, ilgajā gatavināšanas procesā iegūstot visaugstāko kvalitāti. Vīnam piemīt rabarberiem raksturīgais kraukšķīgais skābenums ar izcilu saldenās garšas balansu. Īpaši dzidrs, ar svaigu rabarberu aromātu un ilgu pēcgaršu.

Rhubarb Semi-Sweet Wine

Rhubarb, harvested before St. John's Day, is carefully processed to produce juice that ferments in cool, dark conditions for over 8 months. The wine is then aged further, achieving exceptional quality through a meticulous and lengthy crafting process. It features rhubarb’s signature crisp acidity, perfectly balanced with a touch of sweetness. Remarkably clear, it offers a fresh rhubarb aroma and a lingering aftertaste. Best enjoyed alongside fruit and cheese dishes.

  • Alcohol: 11 %
  • Volume: 0,5 l

Price: 13 EUR

Vīna un džina kokteilis ar Latvijas dabas garšu. Tas tapis ķiršu vīnu stiprinot ar ogu destilātu. Galvu reibinošie lavandas ziedi, spēcīgā kadiķoga, nepieradinātais savvaļas ķirsis un garšvielas, kas izceļ šī dzēriena īpašo garšu un sajūtu.

Cherry in the Forest

A wine and gin cocktail that captures the essence of Latvian nature. This unique creation blends fortified cherry wine with berry distillate, delivering an enchanting mix of bold lavender blossoms, robust juniper berries, wild cherries, and a medley of spices. Together, they craft a distinctive taste and experience that truly stands out.

  • Alcohol: 15 %
  • Volume: 0,5 l

Price: 25 EUR

Vīna un džina kokteilis ar Latvijas dabas garšu.

Apple in the Forest

A wine and gin cocktail embodying the flavors of Latvian nature. Crafted in Latvia from organically grown apples and enhanced with premium flower honey from Northern Vidzeme, this aromatic drink offers a delightful balance with its subtle sweet notes.

  • Alcohol: 15 %
  • Volume: 0,5 l

Price: 25 EUR

Bezalkoholisks, viegli fermentēts, dzirkstošs tējas dzēriens no baltās tējas. Dzēriens ir radīts no ekskluzīvas baltās tējas, kas iegūta no 100 gadus veciem tējas kokiem, kuri aug augstkalnē, 2000 metrus virs jūras līmeņa Vjetnamā.

Sparkling Baihao

A non-alcoholic, lightly fermented sparkling tea crafted from premium white tea leaves harvested from century-old trees growing at 2,000 meters above sea level in the highlands of Vietnam. Infused with yuzu fruit, this drink delivers a uniquely rich and layered flavor profile. Blending the heritage of ancient tea traditions with the effervescence of modern sparkling beverages, each sip offers a smooth, refreshing, and invigorating experience.

  • Alcohol: 0 %
  • Volume: 0,75 l

Price: 12 EUR

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